New year has brought with it new hopes but also new problems. I spent the time between my college graduation, December 14th, and the end of last year working full time at my part time job. Because of this I was unable to follow up with the interviews I have had and apply for new jobs. Now things have slowed down and I am working part time at my part time job and full time as a stay-at-home dad to my one year old daughter. The latter is a great gig, I get to set my own hours and take naps, but it doesn't bring home the bacon or fry it. So I can't help feeling that I am letting my family down.
After I got my Bachelors, I spent two months applying for employment and finally got a part time job at U-Haul because the manager confused me with a guy who was supposed to start that day. One thing lead to another and I found myself manning a fort in the middle of a local mall and thinking that I don't wish to spend the rest of my life this way. So I dusted off my study skills and got myself into a graduate program from which I now hold a Masters degree. But now I am back to where I was years ago, aimlessly wandering around in a tunnel looking for a light. It very hard for me to remain hopeful that something will come along and that the faith the head of my department showed in my abilities will bare fruit.
2 weeks ago
Hang in there Stan. Opportunities are out there, they just like to hide from us. Something will crop up for you. Just keep at it!
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